Change Lives by Helping People Create their Hero on a Mission Life Plan

Become a Business Made Simple Certified Coach

You Can Build a Thriving Business by Helping People Create their Life Plan

Most coaches struggle to do meaningful work for clients while also building a successful business. That's because...

They don’t have a proven framework for their clients

No one has given them a plan for scaling their business

They struggle to stand out from other coaches

They act more like cheerleaders than coaches

No one is training or supporting them

They don't have a community to inspire them

When you have a step-by-step plan to grow your coaching business and proven frameworks that deliver results for clients (like the Hero on a Mission life plan), you're unstoppable. Build a career and life you love as a Business Made Simple Certified Coach.

Here is why Business Made Simple Certified Coaches are the most sought after coaches in the industry.

As a Business Made Simple Certified Coach You’ll Get ...

  • Exclusive ability to lead Hero on a Mission Workshops
  • Best practices on how to grow your coaching business
  • Access to a community of coaches so you never feel alone
  • Ongoing training to grow your coaching business

How do you get certified to coach people through the Hero on a Mission Life Plan?


Attend the Certification Training

Get Certified as a Business Made Simple Coach

Get the Business
Coach’s Checklist

This checklist gives you a step-by-step plan for how to coach your clients to success. You won't believe how much value we packed into this FREE PDF for business coaches.

Business Made Simple Coaches Are Trusted by Clients Because:
1. The Process is Proven
Our coaches guide their clients through practical content that has grown thousands of companies
2. The Curriculum is Simple
The Business Made Simple frameworks you will use make running and scaling a business feel fun and easy
3. Their Badge is Trusted
When people see Business Made Simple, they know the process will work

Want to hear from our current Coaches?

Click below to watch a Q&A video

Within 30 days of becoming a Business Made Simple Coach, I was able to apply the content to existing clients which made me look like a professional and win their trust. I was also able to win a high ticket contract using the Proposals Made Simple method and template, which increased my revenue by 30%. Now, I use all the Business Made Simple tools in my business and my clients rave about the content and support they receive. BMS makes me stand out far above other coaches and my clients make massive improvements in their business and personal lives.

Aundrea L.

In the first month of the program I saw revenue increase by six thousand. Fast forward to month 3 and I have an influx of new clients and on track to double the business within this year. The BMS courses and community has boosted my confidence and authority as a coach

Lachy N.

Being connected to Business Made Simple has provided a lot of insight and guidance into building my own business - from ideas on marketing and selling my service, building confidence in what I'm doing, to opportunities to connect with qualified leads. The Business Made Simple Certified Coach program has been a catalyst that has catapulted my business to the next level.

Tony V.

You Can Do Meaningful Work AND Be a Successful Coach

Trying to grow a successful career as a coach AND do life-changing work for your clients is tough.  Whether you want to become a business coach, help people create life plans, enhance value to your existing coaching business, or add personal value within a large organization, the BMS Certified Coaching Program will get you where you want to go. The business coaching industry is a $15B market.  More and more business leaders are hiring coaches to give them a plan to grow their business and help them accomplish their goals. However, most business coaches aren’t coaches, they’re cheerleaders.  Real coaches help develop skills, offer a plan, and measure their clients’ success. 

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As a Business Made Simple Coach, you’ll be given a curriculum to help clients become masters of growing their business and living a more meaningful life. You’ll be able to offer tangible value that other coaching programs can’t.  Business Made Simple Coaches walk clients through a curriculum that will make a direct impact on the focus and growth of the individual and their business. Coaches help clients master the Business Made Simple content, like creating a life plan, creating a clear message, developing a marketing plan, creating a sales framework, creating an execution plan, and much more. You’ll be supported with live training, ongoing video training, and a certification that helps you stand out in the market. There is a difference between a coach and a cheerleader. A cheerleader can only provide encouragement, but a coach does more. They provide real frameworks that transform their clients’ lives and businesses. Clients are looking for more. They’re looking for a proven system they can trust to deliver results. Becoming a BMS Certified Coach is your path to delivering results for your clients while building the career of your dreams. Apply to become a Business Made Simple Certified Coach today.



BMS Certified Coach Application

  • (EOS Certified, ScaleUp Certified coach, NLP Certified, ICF Certified, DISC Certified, etc)*
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.