Connections. Tools. Strategies.

Make Your Mark

Join us for the Made Simple Summit where you’ll connect
with others, discover new tools, and identify strategies to
help you grow your business and make your mark on the world.
October 12-14, 2022 - Nashville, TN

At the Made Simple Summit, you will...

Ramp up your business strategy for the coming year

Learn from Don, the BMS/StoryBrand team and well-known, successful business leaders who are fired up with ways to help you grow your business.

Develop new relationships with your Certified Peers

This year we’re inviting our Guides and Coaches to lead breakout sessions. We’re tapping into their proven strategies, expertise and tools that will help you and your business grow.

Enjoy an exclusive visit to Goose Hill

Made Simple Summit attendees are invited to a cocktail reception at Goose Hill. Enjoy connecting with your peers and making a few new friends.


An All-Star Speaker Lineup

This is a headline

Amy Porterfield

“Why Growing Your Email List Feels So Dang Hard and What To Do Instead” Amy Porterfield is a social media and content creation mastermind and top speaker, trainer, and consultant for entrepreneurs and professionals looking to maximize their social media reach and engagement. She teaches what she knows--how to build a 7-figure online business that doesn’t rely on 80 hour work weeks or team of 40 just to keep afloat. She was named by Forbes as one of the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers.

This is a headline

Mike Michalowicz

“Profit First—What if you could have profit guaranteed?” You are about to discover the profoundly simple yet shockingly effective accounting plug-in that will transform your business from a cash eating monster into a money making machine. In Profit First, Mike Michalowicz, author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur and The Pumpkin Plan explains why the GAAP accounting method is contrary to human nature, trapping entrepreneurs in the panic-driven cycle of operating check-to-check and reveals why this new method is the easiest and smartest way to ensure your business becomes wildly (and permanently) profitable from your very next deposit forward.



Thursday, October 13

  • Tim Schurrer: Redefining Success for Your Business
  • Mary Czarnecki: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business with Speaking (even virtually!)
  • Kimjera Washington: How to Scale to Multi-6 or 7 Figures Leveraging StoryBrand
  • Brian Sooy: What is Branding – And How Can it Grow My Business?


  • Tim Schurrer: Redefining Success for Your Business
  • Liz Cortes: Get More Website Traffic with Local SEO
  • Lauren Cockerell and Jo Caruana: Public Relations – The Ultimate Authority Booster
  • Jessica Miller: How to Create a Magnetic Offer that Sells Itself

Friday, October 14

  • Daniel Oppong: What Cultural Flashpoints Can Teach Us About Courageous & Empathetic Leadership
  • Tami Enfield: Define Your Personal Brand to Attract the Clients You Love and Grow Your Business
  • Wes Gay: How to Design Your Perfect Business
  • Erin Fults: How Today’s Buyer Has Changed and What That Means for Sales & Marketing


  • Jake Brown: Meetings that Click with LEGO®
  • Susan Trumpler: Unstoppable Women in Business–Learn to Be Unstoppable in Business, Relationships and Life
  • Brooke Greening: Make Your Mark in Sales with Discovery Questions
  • Annie Schiffmann: Simplify Your Social Media: Discover the Content Creation Model that Works Easily on Any Platform
Breakout Descriptions
  • Tim Schurrer: Redefining Success for Your Business
    • There’s a message getting a lot of airtime these days. It says to be successful, you have to step into the spotlight, have a large number of employees, work with premier clients, or chase whatever version of success that’s been dangled in front of you. But what is success really and how can we learn to pursue a definition that helps us build the life and career we’re actually wanting?
  • Mary Czarnecki: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business with Speaking (even virtually!)
    • Most entrepreneurs are overwhelmed when deciding how to grow their businesses – the options seem endless! Speaking on stage is the fastest way to expand your reach and generate new clients – without spending a dime or dancing on TikTok. Discover five ways to increase revenue by stepping into the spotlight (even if you hate “public speaking”).
  • Kimjera Washington: How to Scale to Multi-6 or 7 Figures Leveraging StoryBrand
    • In this breakout you’ll learn key lead generation tools that can book you 7-10 calls a week on your calendar. How to turn your services into products through packaging and pricing them for rapid growth. Why scaling with a team requires systems and processes that you’ll need to leverage to take your business to the next level.
  • Brian Sooy: What is Branding – And How Can it Grow My Business?
    • In the StoryBrand and BMS communities, many people misunderstand the relationship between branding and marketing, but the good news is that the desire to understand is spreading and getting louder. When you grasp brand principles and see how branding interacts with messaging and marketing, you can learn to talk about (and sell) basic brand strategy with clarity, confidence, and competence. The Brand Clarity breakout will teach you a simple, practical model for combining branding, messaging, and marketing to drive growth and create value for any business, including yours.
  • Liz Cortes: Get More Website Traffic with Local SEO
    • You don’t need a brick and mortar location to get found locally. Google Business Profile and homepage optimization is the quickest way to start getting visible for StoryBrand Guide or Business Made Simple Coach. Our 5 step LOCAL process will turn Google into your BFF.
  • Lauren Cockerell and Jo Caruana: Public Relations – The Ultimate Authority Booster
    • PR is one of the best ways to showcase your authority (or your client’s). We’ll teach you practical tips and rules to live by in order to become a valuable resource for the media to help you grow your brand and your business. In this session, you’ll learn the framework that turns information into news to powerfully unlock the magic of people talking about your business.
  • Jessica Miller: How to Create a Magnetic Offer that Sells Itself
    • The strength of your offer determines the success of your business. If you’re someone who wants to make plenty of money serving clients that you love and have whitespace for downtime – you need a strong offer. During this session we’re going to break down our proven system to help you create YOUR magnetic offer, and show you how to make it more appealing so it calls in your ideal clients, streamlines the delivery, and sells itself so you can easily scale and optimize your business.
  • Daniel Oppong: What Cultural Flashpoints Can Teach Us About Courageous & Empathetic Leadership
    • The last five years delivered a collection of cultural flashpoints that continually challenged leaders to show up and meet the moment. This session will explore the values and behaviors of courageous and empathetic leadership, and underscore why both are essential when navigating our cultural climate.
  • Tami Enfield: Define Your Personal Brand to Attract the Clients You Love and Grow Your Business
    • Do you know what sets you apart from others in your industry? Are prospects able to easily identify how you would help them solve their problem over another agency, coach, or consultant? We each have a unique approach to solving the same problem, learn how you can define and leverage your personal brand to grow your business.
  • Wes Gay: How to Design Your Perfect Business
    • Running a Guide business can be frustrating when you don’t know the kind of business you’re in. This session shows you a proven path to build your ideal Guide business. Learn practical, actionable ways to create a business suited just for you.
  • Erin Fults: How Today’s Buyer Has Changed and What That Means for Sales & Marketing
    • Buyers’ expectations have never been higher when it comes to the front-end experience of the sales process. Learn the five types of questions they’re asking when making a buying decision. Walk away with a clear picture of what kind of content does and does not move the sales needle for your clients (and yourself).
  • Jake Brown: Meetings that Click with LEGO®
    • Typical meetings are designed to be dominated by the loudest and most powerful–NOT creatives. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is an innovative process designed to aid in solution building. It allows everyone to contribute to the discussion, the decisions, and ultimately the outcome.
  • Susan Trumpler: Unstoppable Women in Business–Learn to Be Unstoppable in Business, Relationships and Life
    • For 8 years, Fortune 500 companies paid me to uncover the sales skills and processes that brought in the most money for them. When I shared my study results it felt like I was handing over the keys to the kingdom. I was literally able to say to them, “Do these things and you’ll make more money!” I didn’t want to limit this type of sales intel to only the biggest companies. Why not combine everything I’ve learned over the years into something that would make a difference for women entrepreneurs? That is how Unstoppable Women in Business was born. I’m passionate about sharing the “keys to the kingdom” with women entrepreneurs so they, too, can be amazingly successful.
  • Brooke Greening: Make Your Mark in Sales with Discovery Questions
    • Many guides and coaches are frustrated because they want to convert more sales but don’t know how. This session will help you unlock the power of discovery questions giving you the confidence to meet customers’ needs and make more sales.
  • Annie Schiffmann: Simplify Your Social Media: Discover the Content Creation Model that Works Easily on Any Platform
    • It’s time to simplify social media for Guides and Coaches. Discover the PAGER content creation model which works on any platform to eliminate nonsense, build relationships, and support your business goals. Award-winning improv comic and StoryBrand Guide Annie Schiffmann shares how to incorporate BrandScripts, Talking Points, and other StoryBrand / Business Made Simple assets into an automated social media system.


For the virtual experience, the breakout sessions are fixed. Here are your breakout sessions:

Thursday, October 13

  • Caroline Doyle: Create the Right Mindset to Win the Game!


  • Rachel Zurer: The One-Hour Profile Makeover

Friday, October 14

  • Holly Read and Glen Stevens, Jr.: Mental Toughness: Your Secret Weapon for Business Success


  • Paige Worthy: Find Your Brand Voice. Write Copy That Srsly Slaps.
Breakout Descriptions
  • Caroline Doyle: Create the Right Mindset to Win the Game!
    • What is holding you back to bring your business to the level that you want? The answer is your mindset! 95% of your success is your mindset and 5% is your strategies. What is really mindset? Join us to discover the answer.
  • Rachel Zurer: The One-Hour Profile Makeover
    • Your guide/coach profile in the directory is an amazing potential source of clients. But too many of us neglect to make them shine. Together, we’ll give it our profiles the attention they deserve so we can get more of our ideal leads.
  • Holly Read and Glen Stevens, Jr.: Mental Toughness: Your Secret Weapon for Business Success
    • Resilience and confidence are strong predictors of success. Mental toughness and optimism are essential for someone to succeed in both work and life. You will learn exercises and strategies that will help you handle pressure, push through the hard times and thrive in a healthy way.
  • Paige Worthy: Find Your Brand Voice. Write Copy That Srsly Slaps.
    • A clear message is clutch, but for marketing content that stands out (and kills it with conversions), you need to infuse your copy with a brand voice that’s unmistakably you. Whether you’re working on client deliverables or still fighting with your own copy (we’ve all been there), you’ll leave this session with a clear understanding of voice and tone, plus exercises to define your voice and ensure you’re heard over the herd.

Made Simple Summit Schedule

Wednesday, October 12
5:00 PM — 7:00 PM CT

  • Early evening welcome reception @ Virgin Hotels Nashville
  • There will be appetizers, drinks and music
  • A chance to connect and meet new people
  • Dinner on your own


Thursday, October 13
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM CT
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM CT

  • Welcome & Kick Off
  • Mike Michalowicz (“Profit First–What if you could have profit guaranteed?”)
  • Q&A with Mike and Don
  • Breakout sessions led by Guides, Coaches and special guests
  • Panel Discussion and Q&A
  • Cocktail reception at Goose Hill
  • Dinner on your own


Friday, October 14
9:00 AM — 4:00 PM CT

  • Kick Off Day Three
  • Amy Porterfield (Why growing your email list feels so dang hard and what to do instead!”)
  • Q&A with Amy Porterfield
  • Breakout sessions led by Guides, Coaches and special guests
  • Panel Discussion and Q&A
  • Closing with Don Miller 
  • Wrap up by 4:00 PM CT

VIRTUAL ATTENDEES: The virtual schedule is 9:00AM - 4:00PM CT on October 13 & 14




On Thursday afternoon, this extraordinary panel of Coaches, Guides, and Business Made Simple staff will share different ways they have built strategic partnerships for their own businesses and there will be a Q&A so you can ask your burning questions.

Josh Brammer

(StoryBrand Guide)

Aundrea de Leon

(BMS Coach)

Sarah Cook

(StoryBrand Guide)

Jay Owen

(StoryBrand Guide & Agency)

Kyle Willis

(BMS staff)

Karri Ellen Johnson

(BMS staff)

On Friday afternoon, Coaches, Guides, and Business Made Simple Simple staff will talk about how entrepreneurs are using creative ideas and technology to grow their business in 2022. Don’t miss out on this incredible learning opportunity!

Ashley Guberman

(StoryBrand Guide)

Carolyn Parrs

(BMS Coach / StoryBrand Guide)

Preston Bowman

(StoryBrand Guide)

Mehrab Reza

(StoryBrand Guide & Agency)

Kyle Reid

(Sr. VP of Design and Development at Business Made Simple)

Josh Landrum

(BMS staff)

What people are saying about Made Simple Summit

"I didn’t waste a skinny minute reserving my spot when registration for the Made Simple Summit opened up last year, and I have zero regrets. Being in the same room with all my Guide and Coach heroes was an amazing opportunity, and I wasn’t disappointed."
Lynn Tucker
StoryBrand Certified Guide
I loved the Made Simple Summit in 2021. The event was great for several reasons, the company I got to share, the comradeship, and the best was the learning: so much great content. I can’t wait for this year’s event!
Tony Everett
BMS Coach

Choose Your Summit Experience



  • Access to main sessions with keynote speakers and special guests
  • Breakout sessions with fellow in-person attendees
  • Access to panel discussions
  • Q&A sessions with keynote speakers, Don, and special guests
  • Welcome party at the Virgin Hotels Nashville
  • Visit to Goose Hill
  • Replays will be available for the keynote speakers, panel discussion and Don’s closing



  • Virtual access to (2) main sessions with keynote speakers
  • (4) Virtual breakout sessions with fellow virtual attendees
  • Virtual access to (2) panel discussions
  • Q&A sessions with keynote speakers, Don, and special guests
  • Virtual access to Don’s closing keynote
  • Replays will be available for the keynote speakers, panel discussions and Don’s closing
Here’s how to begin your Made Simple Summit journey:
1. Register for the Summit
2. Make your travel plans
Book your hotel here.
3. Join us in Nashville this October

Registration Closed

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